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"In response to the publication in the Journal de Ville de Mont-Royal of October 5th, 2022 – “What the Town of Mount Royal expects from the CAQ government”
Being a mayor or a councillor comes with responsibilities and rules to respect. Consulting the council and asking for its opinion through voting is a part of these rules! Mayor Peter Malouf seems to forget his duties and obligations in this regard! He is making decisions without the consultation, the advice, or the vote of the council!
Law and responsibility :
- According to Law 40 (Education Act, Chapter I-13.3, Section 272.10), it is the primary responsibility of the City to publicly advertise a site for school construction.
Summary of the situation:
- At the September 20th council meeting:
o Mayor Malouf announced that Mr. Dominic Bertrand would not be coming to meet with Montérégie residents in October (as announced at the August 23rd council meeting). The file would be returned to the Ministry of Education for further study.
o Mayor Malouf presented a last-minute resolution to put pressure on the CSSMB while the Town has not yet laid the first stone which is the choice of a site.
- Since April 7th, the council has been aware of the "school committee" document and the 5 proposed sites. It is therefore fully aware of all the ins and outs of each site.
- On the 5th of October, the mayor announced in the Journal de Ville de Mont-Royal that "he would like Quebec to take a greater interest in the issue of a new French-language primary school, which is at an impasse because of the choice of site".
No. The choice of a site is not yet at an impasse! Mayor Malouf cannot abdicate his responsibility to choose a site for a new French school and turn it over to the Government, the Ministry or the CSSMB without a council’s resolution and its agreement.
Nor can the board abdicate this responsibility without consulting all citizens.
This critical issue must be discussed, analyzed and decided through the votes of the council’s members, according to the established rules.
In order to move on with the French school project in VMR, I am proposing a resolution supported by petition. With the tabling of this resolution, supported by the residents who signed it, I will ask the council members for a vote.
I invite you to read, sign it and share the petition below with your network so that we can preserve our parks and have a suitable site for the school at "1000 Lucerne Road "*.
* 1000 Lucerne Road (former Beth-El Synagogue) and St. Peter's Church are two abandoned historic sites zoned for institutional use. These sites have been purchased by the multinational SAJO, in 2019, in the hope of a zoning change with the objective of building residential condos.
School Petition
Maryam Kamali Nezhad, ing.,Ph.D
Conseillère municipale / Municipal Councillor - District 2
Mont-Royal / Town of Mount Royal
514 222-9281
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