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I strongly support Councillor Maryam Kamali Nezhad's resolution to reject the condominium project at 1000 Lucerne Road (previously Beth-El synagogue) and to instead build a new French elementary school there. The Town and the Centre de services scolaires Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSSMB) must refrain from choosing the Jubien Park site, Dunrae Gardens site or any other parks or green spaces in TMR, for the construction of this new school.
I remember that the Roy administration, in the last years of its reign, had expropriated a building in the Bates/Ekers sector in order to create a park instead. And now the Malouf administration wants to demolish a park in order to build a building? Not to mention the numerous mature trees that will have to be cut down, trees that are "a key part of our garden city’s unique cachet, [and] also contribute to our collective well-being." Yet, during its election campaign, the Malouf team shouted loud and clear to "preserve our valuable and irreplaceable green space in Danyluk Park" for the construction of the Sports Center. What happened to our City's mandate to preserve our green heritage?
More than 700 Townies support Councillor Kamali Nezhad's resolution. Please share this news with your family members, neighbors and friends in TMR so that more support the resolution by signing on www.change.org/vmrecolefr
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