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Press release, Town of Mount -Royal
Starting the week of September 26, TMR residents will be able to download the free bciti+ app and be better connected to their municipality. The app will give them quick and easy access to municipal news, schedules for municipal buildings and the most frequently requested information.

To stay up-to-date on municipal news, users can opt to receive notifications via the app, text or email. With a few clicks, they will also be able to submit requests to the Town and attach photos to them.
With this new scalable platform, which has already proven itself in several other Quebec municipalities, Mount Royal wants to better inform residents and improve the experience and quality of life of Townies. Citizens who take advantage of this technology solution will find it easy to know what’s happening in the Town in the areas of interest they select.
The bciti+ app is available free of charge in the App Store and on Google Play.